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# Beschreibung Obere Spannweite Niedrige Spannweite Fronthöhe Spitzenhöhe Hinterhöhe Gebüschhöhe Fallhöhe Breite
1 Stick pile
2 Ark
3 Lake Earl caber
4 1/2 log ramp into dell
5AB French Log and Badminton roll
6 Cedar MIM rails
7AB Pheasant feeders
8 Corner
9 Roll on the rise
10 Pine root log only
11 Trakhener
12 Down the lane cordwood
13 Log coop
14 Yellow roof cabin
15AB Bank up and cabin use easier route on RHS
16 Double brush
17 1/2 log top coop
18 Stark table
19 Boat into water
20 Produce stand

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