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# Beschreibung Obere Spannweite Niedrige Spannweite Fronthöhe Spitzenhöhe Hinterhöhe Gebüschhöhe Fallhöhe Breite
1 Baby Rolltop
2 Aiken
3 Coop
4 Bench. After 4, TROT the rails or blue cabin to left, then turn left and canter back to the line to 5.
5 Big logs
6 Coop
7 Ditch & Wall
8AB A Option: Ramp or B Option: Up Bank or B Option: Log Coop. Then HAND GALLOP to Aiken fence to right of fence 9 and HALT. Pick up whip on fence and CRACK WHIP. Then circle right and canter to fence 9 and proceed.
9 Log
10ABC Water. Trot or canter thru water and jump out over fence A or B. Circle after the fence and come back into the water over corresponding fence A or B. Then circle right and trot or canter up the side of the bank between the red and white flags (C).
11 Ducks

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